Social representations of female sex workers about their sexuality


  • Pablo Luiz Santos Couto Nurse, Master. Professor, Higher Education Center of Guanambi, Brazil. Email:
  • Bianca Pereira Correia Montalvão Nurse, Specialist. Professor, Higher Education Center of Guanambi, Brazil. Email:
  • Arilene Rodrigues Silva Vieira Nurse, Specialist. Professor, Higher Education Center of Guanambi, Brazil. Email:
  • Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela Nurse, PhD. Professor, State University of Southwest Bahia, Brazil. Email:
  • Sérgio Correia Marques Nurse, Doctor. Professor, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Email:
  • Antônio Marcos Tosoli Gomes Nurse, Doctor. Professor, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil. Email:
  • Núbia Rego Santos Nurse, Specialist. Professor, Higher Education Center of Guanambi, Brazil. Email:
  • Luiz Carlos Moraes França Nurse, Master. Professor, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Email:



Female, sex workers, pleasure, sexuality, sexual behavior, qualitative research.


Objective. To know the social representations of female sex workers about their sexuality.

Methods. Qualitative study based on the Theory of Social Representations. Thirty-nine women from a health region of Alto Sertão Produtivo Baiano - Brazil agreed to participate. For the production of empirical data, the techniques of Free Word Association and in-depth interviews were used. The answers were analyzed based on Constellation Target Content Analysis and Semantic Content Analysis.

Results. Two thematic categories emerged: “negative representation of sexuality”; “my pleasure is the money”. Therefore, the theme sexuality and meanings derived from the social representations elaborated by the sex workers about sexuality, based on their experiences and daily life, showed that the work involved a negative representation of sexuality when associated with sexual satisfaction with the client, in addition to the allusion to sex as a source of income.

Conclusion. The social representations about sexuality constructed by sex workers are linked to the feeling of denial of pleasure and obtaining money for subsistence. Reflecting on sexuality points out ways to rethink the care to be provided for a stigmatized and vulnerable group.

How to cite this article: Couto PLS, Montalvão BPC, Vieira ARS, Vilela ABA, Marques SC, AMT Gomes, et al. Social representations of female sex workers about their sexuality. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2020; 38(1):e03.

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How to Cite

Santos Couto, P. L., Correia Montalvão, B. P., Rodrigues Silva Vieira, A., Alves Vilela, A. B., Correia Marques, S., Tosoli Gomes, A. M., Rego Santos, N., & Moraes França, L. C. (2020). Social representations of female sex workers about their sexuality. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 38(1).




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