Report of the Experience of Living with High Blood Pressure in Light of the Theory of Caring
hypertension, self care, nursing theory, qualitative researchAbstract
Objective. To analyze the report of the experience of the person with high blood pressure, in light of the theory proposed by Kristen Swanson.
Methods. This was a qualitative research with autobiographical-type narrative design. To collect and analyze the information, the work used open in-depth interview with 12 individuals, participant observation, and field notes.
Results. The study recognized the beliefs, customs, and cultural practices of the person living with high blood pressure and identified the care needs. The participants shared their feelings, finding that each confronts this disease differently and learns to care for themselves in particular manner.
Conclusion. In the analysis of the narratives of the experience of people with high blood pressure, five care processes by Swanson were recognized: maintaining the beliefs, knowing, being with, doing for, and permitting.
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