Fear, Stress, and Knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Nursing Students and Recent Graduates in Mexico


  • Isai Arturo Medina Fernández Autonomous University of Coahuila
  • Sonia Carreño Moreno National University of Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4386-6053
  • Lorena Chaparro Díaz National University of Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8241-8694
  • Ruth Magdalena Gallegos-Torres Autonomous University of Queretaro
  • Josué Arturo Medina Fernández XXI Century University Center
  • Eva Kerena Hernández Martínez Autonomous University of Coahuila




fear, psychological stress, knowledge, nursing students, nurses, coronavirus infections, pandemics


Objective. The study sought to correlate fear, stress, knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Nursing students and recent graduates in Mexico. Methods. Correlational design, sample comprising 912 nursing students and graduates during the last 18 months from public and private universities of Mexico. To measure the variables, the study applied the instrument Fear of COVID-19 Scale, knowledge subscale of the scale Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19, and the instrument COVID Stress Scale. Results. Relationship was found of the age variable with fear, danger of contamination, traumatic stress, knowledge and minor socioeconomic consequences (p<0.05). Likewise, relationship was observed of fear with stress regarding COVID-19, danger of contamination, socioeconomic consequences, xenophobia, traumatic stress, and compulsive checking (p<0.05). Stress and knowledge explain the presence of fear regarding COVID-19 in 50.3%, and fear and knowledge explain stress regarding COVID-19 in 50.4%. Conclusion. Nursing students and recent graduates have high levels of stress and fear, besides low level of knowledge. The presence of high stress and low knowledge predict fear regarding COVID-19. Interventions are required on knowledge, stress, and fear regarding COVID-19 in the population studied.

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Author Biographies

Isai Arturo Medina Fernández, Autonomous University of Coahuila

Nurse, Masters. Professor. Autonomous University of Coahuila, México.

Sonia Carreño Moreno, National University of Colombia

Nurse, PhD in Nursing. Associate professor. National University of Colombia.

Lorena Chaparro Díaz, National University of Colombia

Nurse, PhD in Nursing. Associate professor. National University of Colombia.

Ruth Magdalena Gallegos-Torres, Autonomous University of Queretaro

 Nurse, PhD. Professor. Autonomous University of Queretaro.

Josué Arturo Medina Fernández, XXI Century University Center

Nurse, Master. Professor. XXI Century University Center.

Eva Kerena Hernández Martínez, Autonomous University of Coahuila

 Nurse, PhD. Professor. Autonomous University of Coahuila.


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How to Cite

Medina Fernández, I. A., Carreño Moreno, S., Chaparro Díaz, L., Gallegos-Torres, R. M., Medina Fernández, J. A., & Hernández Martínez, E. K. (2021). Fear, Stress, and Knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Nursing Students and Recent Graduates in Mexico . Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v39n1e05




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