Physiological changes in vision during aging: perceptions of older adults and healthcare providers
geriatric nursing, aged, vision, ocular, agingAbstract
Objective. To identify the physiological changes in older adults’ vision during the aging process.
Methods. An exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach was conducted with 20 older adults and six healthcare providers who worked with older adults in João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil). The Focus Group Technique was used for data collection, with the collected information subsequently being submitted to Inductive Thematic Analysis using textual analysis software.
Results. The physiological changes related to vision were described by both the older adults and healthcare providers using the following words: vision, difficulty; see; cataract; glasses; surgery; more; age; eye; and no. These terms represent declines in vision resulting from advancing age which significantly modify the daily lives of older adults and their families.
Conclusion. The perception of the older adults and the healthcare providers who care for them regarding the physiological changes in vision throughout the aging process shows that the loss of visual acuity significantly affects the daily life of older adults and their families.
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