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Stress levels and coping strategy of nursing students in online learning during COVID-19 Pandemic. A mixed- methods study


  • Evelyn Hemme Tambunan
  • Rosnancy Renolita Sinaga



COVID-19, students, nursing, anxiety, depression, adaptation, psychological, internet-based intervention


Objective. To explain the stress level and coping strategies of nursing students in online learning during Covid-19

Methods. Explanatory sequential mixed method QUAN-QUAL study conducted at a private university in
Bandung, Indonesia. Of the 260 nursing students, 157 consented to participate and answered a Depression Anxiety Scale- 42 (DDAS-42) and The Ways of Coping in the Indonesian version. The participants of the quantitative phase with the indicative of stress were interviewed individually (n=17) to provide an in-depth understanding of the students’ experiences of stress and coping strategy in online learning.

Results. Almost one out of two students (47.1%) had some level of stress (16% between severe and extremely severe). Most nursing students (45.9%) used emotion focused coping strategies. Stress level was significantly higher among female students and internship academic level (%0.05). Nursing students’ sources of stress were new experiences and hindrances to online learning. Coping strategies included seeking support and positive acceptance.

Conclusion. A high proportion of nursing students experienced stress during their education process in COVID-19 times; they used specially emotion-focused coping strategies to reduce barriers to online learning.

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How to Cite

Hemme Tambunan, E., & Renolita Sinaga, R. (2023). Stress levels and coping strategy of nursing students in online learning during COVID-19 Pandemic. A mixed- methods study. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 41(2).

