Vol. 41 No. 2 (2023)
Full Issue
Lessons learned about virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic
|Abstract = 798 veces | PDF = 338 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces|
Multidimensional Frailty and Traumatic Brain Injury among Older Adults: A Literature Review
|Abstract = 632 veces | PDF = 306 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Validation to Spanish of nursing assessment scale for early diagnosis of delirium - Nu-DESC
|Abstract = 691 veces | PDF = 470 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 163 veces| -
Recruitment, retention, and adherence of family caregivers: Lessons from a multisite trial
|Abstract = 524 veces | PDF = 249 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Socio-family Factors Predictive of Adaptative Coping Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Nursing Students from a Private University
|Abstract = 453 veces | PDF = 300 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 80 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Marie Poussepin’s Influence on Nursing from Her Vocation of Service and Charity
|Abstract = 416 veces | PDF = 214 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 98 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Effectiveness of telesimulation on cardiorespiratory arrest for nursing students
|Abstract = 554 veces | PDF = 380 veces| | HTML PORTUGUES = 98 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Clinical simulation in health education: a systematic review
|Abstract = 976 veces | PDF = 689 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 219 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Stress levels and coping strategy of nursing students in online learning during COVID-19 Pandemic. A mixed- methods study
|Abstract = 988 veces | PDF = 571 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Multilevel Self-Management in Nursing Research: An Approach to Decrease Health Disparities in Chronic Diseases
|Abstract = 536 veces | PDF = 307 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Smartphone addiction and its impact on quality of sleep and academic performance among nursing students. Institutional based cross-sectional study in Western Rajasthan (India)
|Abstract = 1978 veces | PDF = 755 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Depression and Physical activity among cardiac patients undergone cardiac events: a correlational study
|Abstract = 440 veces | PDF = 272 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Predictors of COVID-19 Related Health Literacy among Older People Living in Rural Areas of Indonesia
|Abstract = 373 veces | PDF = 202 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Conceptual Models and Theories Applied to Nursing Education in Intercultural Contexts: State of the Art
|Abstract = 1201 veces | PDF = 559 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 258 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Educational Interventions in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Health Care Settings. A Scoping Review
|Abstract = 2395 veces | PDF = 1195 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Construction and Validation of an Occupational Risks Scale for Intra-hospital Nursing Staff
|Abstract = 1140 veces | PDF = 489 veces| | HTML ESPAÑOL = 98 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Analysis of the concept of nurses’ autonomy in intensive care units: A hybrid model
|Abstract = 788 veces | PDF = 642 veces| | HTML = 0 veces|