Nursing Sensitive Outcomes evaluation in the Emergency Department: An Umbrella Review


  • Eartha Agatha Feller Sapienza University of Rome
  • Sofia Di Mario Sapienza University of Rome
  • Lucia Filomeno Tor Vergata University of Rome
  • Giuseppe La Torre Sapienza University of Rome



standardized nursing terminology, emergency nursing, nursing care, emergency service, hospital


Objective. The aim of this review was to identify reported nursing-sensitive outcomes in the Emergency Department to date.

Methods. An Umbrella review was conducted. Four databases, CINAHL, Pubmed, Web of Science and Scopus, were searched from inception until October 2022. MeSH terms were: "nursing", "sensitivity and specificity", "emergency service, hospital", "nursing care". Two reviewers independently screened studies against the inclusion criteria for eligibility, extracted data and assessed study quality with the SIGN tool. Results of the included studies were summarized and described in themes for narrative analysis. The study was enrolled in the PROSPERO registry (CRD42022376941) and PRISMA guidelines were followed.

Results. The search strategy yielded 2289 records. After duplicate removal, title, abstract and full-text eligibility screening, nine systematic reviews were included in the review. A total of 35 nursing-sensitive outcomes were reported. The most described outcomes were waiting times, patient satisfaction and time to treatment. The less measured were mortality, left without being seen and physical function. Synthesizing nursing-sensitive outcomes in themes for reporting, the most measured outcomes were within the safety domain (n=20), followed by the clinical (n=9), perceptual (n=5) and the least explored functional domain (n=1).

Conclusion. Nursing sensitive outcomes research in emergency nursing practice is a conceptual challenge still in its early stage. Several nursing-sensitive outcomes were identified in this review that can evaluate the contribution of emergency department nursing care to patient outcomes. Further research is required to explore patient outcomes sensitive to emergency nursing care.

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2023-11-03 — Updated on 2024-08-17


How to Cite

Feller, E. A., Di Mario, S., Filomeno, L., & La Torre, G. (2024). Nursing Sensitive Outcomes evaluation in the Emergency Department: An Umbrella Review. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 41(3). (Original work published November 3, 2023)




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