Motivations and expectations of pregnant women using psychoactive substances during prenatal care: phenomenological study


  • Júlia Oliveira Silveira
  • Mara Regina Caino Teixeira Marchiori
  • Andressa da Silveira
  • Fabiana Porto da Silva
  • Zaira Letícia Tisott
  • Kelvin Leandro Marques Monçalves
  • Keity Laís Siepmann Soccol



substance-related disorders, pregnancy, prenatal care, maternal and child health, primary health care


Objective. Understand the motivations and expectations of pregnant women using psychoactive substances during prenatal care.

Methods.  A qualitative study developed in the light of Alfred Schütz's Theoretical Framework of Phenomenological Sociology, in which 25 pregnant women using psychoactive substances, belonging to a Family Health Strategy, participated. Data production took place between August and November 2022.

Results. Two units of meanings emerged: (i) social influences for the performance of prenatal care and (ii) expectation regarding the care to be received by the health professional. Pregnant women do pre-natal due to family influences, for fear of losing their children due to loss of guardianship and concern about the well-being and development of the baby. And, the expectations are that they receive good attention, feel safe when they are attended to by health professionals and also that they are understood and have a relationship of trust.

Conclusion. Pregnant women who use psychoactive substances bring motivations for prenatal care linked to the past, such as influences from family members and previous experiences. As for expectations, they are related to the child's health and the care expected by professionals. Finally, strategies to reduce harm during pregnancy of users of psychoactive substances are fundamental for the effectiveness of care.

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2024-07-22 — Updated on 2024-08-17


How to Cite

Oliveira Silveira, J., Caino Teixeira Marchiori, M. R., da Silveira, A., Porto da Silva, F., Tisott, Z. L., Marques Monçalves, K. L., & Siepmann Soccol, K. L. (2024). Motivations and expectations of pregnant women using psychoactive substances during prenatal care: phenomenological study. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 42(2). (Original work published July 22, 2024)

