Factors associated to the duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding; risk factors; prevalence; pacifiers; bottle feeding; review.Abstract
Objective. To identify the scientific evidence available on factors associated to the duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
Methodology. A systematic review without meta-analysis was performed. An electronic search strategy was conducted of primary articles published in Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, and Ovid from 1990 to 2010 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Observational and intervention studies were included, which sought to identify factors associated to the duration of exclusive breastfeeding for at least three months.
Results. Some 195 studies were identified, but only 18 complied with the inclusion and quality criteria. A total of 66.6% measured the prevalence of breastfeeding up to six months. Fifty percent reported the use of a pacifier or baby bottle as the negative factor that most affects the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Some 44.4% mentioned as positive factors in the duration of exclusive breastfeeding: high levels of schooling, multiparity, exposure to a breastfeeding program, and low family income.
Conclusion. Literature available provides information on the factors associated to the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, although the methodological heterogeneity of the studies did not permit evaluating the scientific evidence of the results discussed.
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