Strategies to solve questions about clinical practice in nursing and medicine professionals in Bolivia and Colombia


  • Pio Iván Gómez Sánchez Médico Especialista en Obstetricia y Ginecología, Especialista en Epidemiología; Profesor Titular de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, Colombia. email:



Evidence-based medicine; evidence-based nursing; health personnel; information science.


Objective. To describe strategies to solve questions about clinical practice in nursing and medicine professionals who attend training courses in sexual and reproductive health in Bolivia and Colombia.

Methodology. Transversal cut study. Information was collected between March of 2007 and February 201, an anonymous voluntary self-applied survey was used.

Results. Of 563 participants, 292 were nursing professionals and 271 were doctors. 60%were women. Age average: 34 years old (Rank: 25-92). 80% of the participants worked in public institutions. 70% of them believe their knowledge has decreased, updating strategies are: 75% colleagues consult, 24% check their books and magazines, and even though 88% use the internet, just 7.6% access data bases.

Conclusion. Updating traditional strategies remain. There is a few knowledge evidence-based strategies and a big ignorance on data bases use. It is necessary to implement strategies to train towards the efficient use of them; it allows updating and improves healthcare quality.

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How to Cite

Gómez Sánchez, P. I. (2011). Strategies to solve questions about clinical practice in nursing and medicine professionals in Bolivia and Colombia. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 29(1).




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