The anthropologist of modern life


  • Alejandro Sánchez Cancino


Modernity, Alternative modernities, Posmodernism, ethos


This brief essay is a product of an Anthropological Theory course, which took place in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; it is aimed to contrast some of the perspectives on the concept of “Modernity”. Likewise, it is intended to discuss the idea of its superation as an historical moment. For this purpose, it is presented the classic work of David Harvey on the conditions that made posible the posmoderm thought, and it is settled as a starting point for identifying its contradictions. On the other hand, as a counterpoint, it is retrieved the study of Carlos Reynoso on the posmoderm proposals emerged from the anthropological discipline. Finally, it is intended to find a resolution on this tensions in the modern ethé approach from the philosopher Bolívar Echeverría, where can be found a way out from the dichotomic debates on the subject.

= 270 veces


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cancino, A. (2023). The anthropologist of modern life. Revista Kogoró, (12), 58–70. Retrieved from



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