Call for Papers - Lecturas de Economía special edition
Our journal Lecturas de Economía (ISSN 0120-2596) of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Antioquia is pleased to invite the national and international academic community to participate in the call for papers for its 100th special edition on Central Banking.
Deadline for receipt of articles: June 16, 2023
Guest editors
Juan Jose Echavarria
Adolfo Meisel
The outstanding macroeconomic stability that the Colombian economy has led in the last century is due to a large extent of actions taken by the Banco de la República (Colombian Central Bank). Certainly, prudential management, to a certain degree of orthodox character of monetary policy, has facilitated control of the main economic aggregates in the different phases of the economic cycle. Under Banco de la República’s oversight, Colombia has a monetary policy model through which it tries to control the growth of prices, using the policy interest rate as the main instrument. The Central Bank actions are not reduced exclusively to the control of said interest rate. In recent decades, the following have been highlighted: economic analysis, management of international reserves, cultural activities and, in general, the recognition that many sectors give to the institution as an entity that enjoys legitimacy and recognition.
- 100 years of Banco de la República (Colombian Central Bank)
- Monetary policy and inflation
- Long-term economic growth
- Poverty and inequality
- Fiscal policy
- Rregional development
- Banco de la República role on economic development
- Labor economics
Application process:
Lecturas de Economía receives unpublished content in Spanish and English. Interested authors should register on the journal's website and submit their manuscript:
Before sending the article proposal, it is recommended to review the editorial rules:
More information: