Cost of illness: A critical review of estimation methodologies


  • Nadia Ripari National University of the South
  • Nebel Moscoso National University of the South
  • María Elorza National University of the South



Cost of Illness, Estimation Methods


Studies on the cost of illness arise to advance knowledge and estimation of the economic burden of disease. These identify, quantify and value all the economic resources linked to a disease, and classify them as direct, indirect and intangible costs. The aim of this paper is to critically describe the different methods for estimating each of these costs. The valuation of the costs of an illness involves a vector of prices and quantities. The quantities arise from the resources used or lost. Prices are estimated from the market value of the good or service or, if it is a non-market good or service, then prices are estimated from proxy variables or specific methods of estimation of individual preferences. The main methodological and theoretical weaknesses found deal with the estimation of the ‘time’ resource, the presence of externalities and market imperfections and the violation of some assumptions of economic theory.

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Author Biographies

Nadia Ripari, National University of the South

Teaching Assistant of the Department of Health Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Sur. Research fellow. Southern Economic and Social Research Institute (IIESS). National University of the South-CONICET

Nebel Moscoso, National University of the South

Adjunct Professor of the Department of Economics. National University of the South. Research assistant. Southern Economic and Social Research Institute (IIESS). National University of the South-CONICET

María Elorza, National University of the South

Teaching assistant of the Department of Mathematics. National University of the South. Research fellow. Southern Economic and Social Research Institute (IIESS). National University of the South-CONICET


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How to Cite

Ripari, N., Moscoso, N., & Elorza, M. (2013). Cost of illness: A critical review of estimation methodologies. Lecturas De Economia, (77), 253–282.


