Determinants of real prices of agricultural commodities. The role of inventories and macroeconomic factors (1960-2010)


  • Luis Lanteri Rosario National University



real prices of agricultural commodities, inventories, macroeconomic factors, structural VAR models


In recent years, there has been an extraordinary increase in international commodity prices, such as fossil fuels (oil) and agricultural products. This paper analyzes the behavior of real prices of major agricultural commodities (wheat, corn, soybeans and rice) using SVAR models, with short-term restrictions, and annual data covering the period 1960-2010. The results suggest that the prices of these commodities increase with improvements in industrial growth, easy monetary policy, dollar depreciation, and inventory reductions. There is an inverse relation between the ratios inventories/consumption and the real prices of grains.

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Author Biography

Luis Lanteri, Rosario National University

Economist. Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Statistical Sciences of the Rosario National University.


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How to Cite

Lanteri, L. (2013). Determinants of real prices of agricultural commodities. The role of inventories and macroeconomic factors (1960-2010) . Lecturas De Economia, (77), 189–217.


