Bibliometric Approach to Uncertainty and Risk in Cryptocurrency Markets




Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, blockchain, risk, bibliometric networks


The aim of this article is to analyze the state of the art of scientific production related to cryptocurrencies, from the perspective of risk. A bibliometric study was carried out based on the characterization of academic productivity and scientific impact of publications and authors from different countries. Additionally, a bibliometric mapping was carried out, through an analysis of the conceptual networks. The results are a significant number of publications from China; although well, the impact studies, according to the number of citations; They come from countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom. Regarding the conceptual structure, topics such as the analysis of bitcoin volatility, the approach to hedging strategies based on cryptocurrencies and spillover effects stand out. In conclusion, this domain of knowledge is popular among the academic community, given the impact that the development of cryptocurrencies can have on the stability of the financial system, which poses a serious challenge on the decisions of the central bank

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Author Biography

Joan Sebastián Rojas Rincón, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina

Professeur à la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, spécialisation en gestion financière, groupe de recherche QUIPUS, Bogotá. Colombie


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How to Cite

Rojas Rincón, J. S. (2024). Bibliometric Approach to Uncertainty and Risk in Cryptocurrency Markets. Lecturas De Economia, (101), 203–233.


