Arbitrage Pricing Theory Applied to the Chilean Stock Market


  • Werner Kristjanpoller Rodríguez Santa Maria College
  • Mauricio Morales Jure Santa Maria College



Asset pricing theory, stock exchange, market efficiency


Arbitrage pricing theory states that the expected return of an asset portfolio is related to factors characterizing the economy and could be associated to macroeconomic variables. In this paper, we consider equity traded in the Chilean stock market to empirically contrast the APT in its macroeconomic variant. We find evidence regarding the statistically significant impact of shocks in the monthly index of economic activity, in the consumer price index and in copper price on estimations of stock returns. In contrast, no evidence is found on the relevance of variations in the stock market index, short-term and long-term interest rates and oil prices for stock returns.

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Author Biographies

Werner Kristjanpoller Rodríguez, Santa Maria College

Full Time Professor Department of Industries, Economics and Business.

Mauricio Morales Jure, Santa Maria College

Part-Time Professor Department of Industries, Economics and Business.


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How to Cite

Kristjanpoller Rodríguez, W., & Morales Jure, M. (2011). Arbitrage Pricing Theory Applied to the Chilean Stock Market. Lecturas De Economia, 74(74), 37–59.


