The Inability of Forget and the Excess of Vision in Funes, the Memorius, by Jorge Luis Borges


  • Leandro De Bona Dias University of Southern Santa Catarina
  • Mário Abel Bressan Júnior University of Southern Santa Catarina


Palabras clave:

memory, lirerature, excess of vision, Jorge Luis Borges


This research analyzed the issues of memory and oblivion in Funes the Memorious, by Jorge Luis Borges, based on Bergson (2009), Halbwachs (1990) and Le Breton (1999), among other authors to discuss these issues. In addition, the main character’s reading was based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of excess vision. The results of the analysis showed that the memory in Borges’ text is built by intense contact with the imagination and also that the excess of vision testifies that Funes, as he gains an extraordinary ability to remember, loses the ability to forget.

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Biografía del autor/a

Leandro De Bona Dias, University of Southern Santa Catarina

Graduated in Letters: Portuguese/English from the University of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina-UNESC (Brazil); Master in Education by the Graduate Program in Education of UNESC in the line of research Education, Language and Memory; Ph.D. student in the graduate program in Language Sciences of the University of Southern Santa Catarina-UNISUL (Brazil) in the line of research Language and Culture and member of the research groups Memory, Affection and Convergent Networks-MARC (UNISUL) and Littera-Correlations between Culture, Processing and Teaching: Language in Focus (UNESC). Scholarship holder of the Graduate Support Program of Community Institutions of Higher Education-PROSUC/CAPES (Brazil). 

Mário Abel Bressan Júnior, University of Southern Santa Catarina

Graduated in Social Communication-Advertising from the University of the Southern Santa Catarina-UNISUL (Brazil); Master's degree in Language Sciences from UNISUL and Ph.D. in Social Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Full-time professor at UNISUL and the Graduate Program in Language Sciences. Coordinator of the Specialization in Social Media Management and Digital Marketing. Coordinator of the Memory, Affection and Convergent Networks-MAR research group and member of the Research Group Television and Audience-GPTV (PUCRS/UFRGS, Brazil). Evaluator of Undergraduate Courses (Communication area) of INEP.


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Cómo citar

De Bona Dias, L., & Bressan Júnior, M. A. (2020). The Inability of Forget and the Excess of Vision in Funes, the Memorius, by Jorge Luis Borges. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(77), 491–506.



Estudios literarios