The Emergence of Biolinguistics and Its Consequences for Linguistic Theory


  • Lorenzo Vitral Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Miguel Ángel Mahecha Surcolombiana University



biolinguistics, generative grammar, linguistic variation, third factor, parameter


The main goal of this paper is to develop a discussion about the foundations of biolinguistics. The major difference between biolinguistics and what was done before is the theoretical role of the principles of the faculty of language. Now, the focus is on principles of other cognitive systems which have a role in internal facts of language. With particular reference to Sigurðsson’s (2011) analysis on the well known phenomena of the null subjects, which considers the notion of third factor, we showed that the biolinguistic perspective allows us to rethink the definition of the role of linguistic variation and the value of the notion of parameter, which now appears to have a secondary role. Finally, the discussion leads us to ask what in fact is the object of study that is of interest to the linguistic theory.


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How to Cite

Vitral, L., & Mahecha, M. Ángel. (2018). The Emergence of Biolinguistics and Its Consequences for Linguistic Theory. Lingüística Y Literatura, 39(73), 139–163.