The Analysis of the Literary Style: An Approach from the Reception


  • Hugo Enrique Del Castillo Reyes National Autonomous University of Mexico



style, stylistic, reception theory, immanentism, poetics


This article takes up some of the main lines of the stylistics’ studies to show, in a general way, the most relevant problems that have arisen when defining the object of study and the field of analysis of this discipline. Then, this work proposes an approach to stylistic analysis based on the postulates of Fish and Rifaterre, but with full awareness that the objective and the territory that it wishes to address are flexible and adaptable to new approaches and analytical circumstances.

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How to Cite

Del Castillo Reyes, H. E. (2018). The Analysis of the Literary Style: An Approach from the Reception. Lingüística Y Literatura, 39(74), 21–36.



Research articles