Some Teachers and Students’ Perceptions about Pedagogical Strategies in the English Classes


  • Gladis Leonor Arias Rodríguez Saint Thomas University



pedagogical strategies, teaching and learning English, materials, activities, students and teachers’ perceptions


This study analyzed the perceptions about the strategies applied in 8th and 9th grades at a private high school during the first semester of 2019. Data were gathered through a semi-structured interview and a survey. The findings show that the school uses a guide book as the main academic material; however, students and teachers would like to use other materials that foster communication. The research evidences the importance of listening to teachers and students in order to find out aspects that help to improve EFL teaching and learning.

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Author Biography

Gladis Leonor Arias Rodríguez, Saint Thomas University

M.A. in Language Teaching (Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia-UPTC, Colombia) and M.A. in Pedagogy (Saint Thomas University, Colombia). She has experience in teaching English from primary to higher education. She is currently full professor, researcher and editor of the E-journal. She is also part of Expedicionarios Humanistas, a research group of Saint Thomas University (Colombia). 


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How to Cite

Arias Rodríguez, G. L. (2020). Some Teachers and Students’ Perceptions about Pedagogical Strategies in the English Classes. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(78), 139–162.



Linguistic studies