The Antipoetic Modulations in Three Colombian Poets: Óscar Hernández, Jaime Jaramillo Panesso, and Aníbal Arias




Óscar Hernández, Jaime Jaramillo Panesso, Aníbal Arias, Colombian poetry, antipoetry


This article intends to unveil the conceptual hypertrophy that is suffered by oral literature with the aim of analyze and strengthen the basic ideas that have been the foundation of many of the researches around the phenomenon. Through the hermeneutical methodology, an argumentative analysis of the premise is presented, which constitutes the starting point to reject the idea of oral literature: Walter Ong’s analogy. Afterwards, the false analogy that comes along Ong’s proposal and the discussion about the possible pertinence of the nominalization oral literature is explained.

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Author Biography

Guillermo Molina Morales, Caro and Cuervo Institute

PhD in Theory of Literature from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Teacher and researcher of the Master's Degree in Literature and Culture of the Caro and Cuervo Institute (Colombia). His main line of research is comparative literature. Currently, he directs the poetry in motion research project, belonging to the Research Group in Literature of the Caro and Cuervo Institute (Colombia) and in which his article is inscribed.


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How to Cite

Molina Morales, G. (2021). The Antipoetic Modulations in Three Colombian Poets: Óscar Hernández, Jaime Jaramillo Panesso, and Aníbal Arias . Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(79), 437–450.