
  • Yaxkin Melchy Universidad de Tsukuba



ecocriticism in Japan, ecopoetics, Sansei Yamao, Japanese animism, environmental philosophy


This article explores poet, philosopher, and farmer Sansei Yamao’s (三省山尾1938-2001) philosophy, answering the following question: How is Sansei Yamao’s theoretical perspective on animism? Yamao was a poet related to countercultural movement who settled in Yakushima Island and a representative voice of contemporary animism in Japan. This research is based on an ecocritic approach and an ecopoetic methodology, that complements the reading and description of his book Animizumu to iu kibō 『アニミズムという希望』 (A Hope Called Animism) (2000) with an ethnographic testimony, and poetic translation.

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How to Cite

Melchy , Y. (2024). SANSEI YAMAO’S POETIC ANIMISM. Lingüística Y Literatura, 45(85), 29–52.



Literary studies