Farmacocinética plasmática de la balofloxacina en terneros


  • Hugo García
  • Guillermo Prieto
  • Carlos Lüders
  • Carlos Errecalde



balofloxacin pharmacokinetic, Bos taurus, pharmacokinetic in calves



Pharmacokinetic parameters of absorption and disposition of balofloxacin were determined in female Holando-Argentinean calves (n = 6), after a 5 mg/kg single dose, administered as both intravenous and subcutaneous bolus, in a crossed-over design treatment. The analyte was determined in plasma samples by microbiological method in agar diffusion, using a Bacillus subtilis BGA spore solution as microorganism detector in agar Antibiotic Nº 1. The plasmatic concentrations of balofloxacin based on the time were analyzed by a non compartimental kinetic model using software PK Solution 2.0. The intravenous pharmacokinetic parameters obtained were: t1/2β = 2.3 ± 1.1 h; Cltotal area = 10.2 ± 3.4 ml/min/kg; Vdarea = 1.8 ± 0.3 L/kg; and AUCarea = 551.3 ± 247.0 µg/min/ml. Except for Cltotal area  and AUCarea, the values obtained for the intravenous administration significantly differed from the obtained ones for the subcutaneous route (p < 0.05), for which Cmax = 1.3 ± 0.4 µg/ml, tmax = 51 ± 12.1 minutes and bioavailability values close to 98% were obtained. The Vdarea value was superior to 1 l/kg for both routes of application and indicates good capacity to spread to extravascular area and tissues.




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How to Cite

García, H., Prieto, G., Lüders, C., & Errecalde, C. (2009). Farmacocinética plasmática de la balofloxacina en terneros. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 21(2), 6.



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