Genotype by environment interactions for body weight in Mediterranean buffaloes using reaction norm models
bayesian inference, breeding value, buffaloes, environment, environmental gradient, genetic evaluation, genotypes, genotype by environment interaction, hierarchical reaction, rank correlations, reaction norm modelsAbstract
Background: Buffalo breeding has significantly increased in Brazil over recent years. However, few genetic evaluations have been conducted. Objective: To assess Genotype x Environment Interactions in the Mediterranean Water Buffalo in Brazil, for weight at 205 days of age, using reaction norm models via random regression. Methods: Data for buffaloes born between 1990 and 2014 were collected from five farms ascribed to the Brazilian Buffaloe Improvement Program, located in the North (1), Northeast (1), South (2) and Southeast (1) regions of Brazil. The initial database consisted of 5,280 observations at 205 days of age (W205). We assessed fit using two hierarchical reaction norm models: a two-step (HRNM2s) and a one-step (HRNM1s). Model fit was estimated using the Deviance Information Criterion, Deviance Based on Bayes Factors and Deviance based on Conditional Predictive Ordinate. The environmental descriptors were created to group individuals into common production environments based on year, season, herd and sex. Results: The best fit was obtained for the hierarchical reaction norm model with one-step (HRNM1s). Direct heritability estimates for this model ranged from 0.17 to 0.67 and the maternal heritability from 0.02 to 0.11 with increasing environmental gradient. Lower correlations among the sire classifications were obtained in comparison with HRNM1s in environments with low and high management, confirming the presence of genotype x environment interactions. Conclusion: We recommend a wider application of genetic evaluation in buffalo aimed at identifying optimal genotypes within specific environments.
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