Fighting history: obstacles for teacher education innovation, derived from students’ school stories


  • José Ignacio Rivas Flores University of Málaga
  • Analia Leite Méndez University of Málaga
  • Pablo Cortés González Unversity of Málaga


Teacher education, school biographies, education sciences.


The work we present here stems from a decade of teaching experience dealing with the critical deconstruction of the students’ school biographies, with the intention of obtaining a comprehensive image of the school and its social, political, and cultural meaning. All through these years, some of the students have limited themselves to completing their tasks, without this meaning a modification of their thinking. At the same time, we have found a common complaint about not being used to working this way, and about certain resistance to using this dynamics. The evaluations that we have gathered during these ten years have showed us these difficulties, which stand as the base of this article. This information is revised here, trying to find some categories that let us understand the situation. Thus, we pretend to make an interpretation of the difficulties of developing innovative strategies with students  of the education sciences.


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Author Biographies

José Ignacio Rivas Flores, University of Málaga

Doctor of Pedagogy. Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization, Faculty of Equation Sciences, University of Malaga.

Analia Leite Méndez, University of Málaga

Doctor of Educational Sciences. Associate Faculty of the Department of Didactics and School Organization, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Malaga.

Pablo Cortés González, Unversity of Málaga

Bachelor of Science in Education. Research staff in training at the Department of Didactics and School Organization, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Malaga.


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How to Cite

Rivas Flores, J. I., Leite Méndez, A., & Cortés González, P. (2012). Fighting history: obstacles for teacher education innovation, derived from students’ school stories. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(61), 67–79. Retrieved from