Narrative as an instrument for educative reflection


  • Makyerlin Borja Maturana San Pablo Educational Institution


Subjectivation, public school, narratives, reading, children’s literature, quality of education, commune.


This text describes a narrative research experience, carried out with students of third and fourth grades section of , which allowed me as a teacher to analyze the characteristics of the social world where kids are immersed, and to reconstruct my own subjectivity processes through narrative texts, as a possibility of thinking on myselfdifferently. It also allowed me, by means of short story reading sessions, to provide the students with occasions to reflect that would stimulate their thinking and would allow them to see, think, and feel about themselves differently.


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Author Biography

Makyerlin Borja Maturana, San Pablo Educational Institution

Teacher of the Basic Primary of the San Pablo Educational Institution, of the municipality of Medellín. Master of Education.


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How to Cite

Borja Maturana, M. (2012). Narrative as an instrument for educative reflection. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(61), 171–184. Retrieved from