A study on the new literation activities in Argentina: youth as producers of digital images


  • Julieta Montero University of San Andrés


new literation activities, digital technologies, information and communication technologies, ecology of the media, digital images, youth, school, digital gap


Based on the preliminary findings of a research project in progress, this article pretends to explore the practices of youth and youngsters as producers of digital images. The latter are articulated by means of shared social meanings that combine different kinds of knowledge that are not really coherent with the ones proposed by the school and therefore become informal learning settings. From the perspective of new literation activities, and by means of a mixed approach, empirical data are generated and they may inform about new conceptualizations on the school, the curriculum, and didactics in cultural transmission.

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Author Biography

Julieta Montero, University of San Andrés

Master in Education from the University of San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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How to Cite

Montero, J. (2013). A study on the new literation activities in Argentina: youth as producers of digital images. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(62), 33–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistaeyp/article/view/14108