To learn while walking: We are with the others and we are being in relationships


  • Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás


Nasa indigenous community, communication-education, the school as a colonizing instrument, information and communication technologies (ICTs), Escuela de Comunicación “El Camino de la Palabra Digna”, learning around the oven


More than a theoretical analysis of communication-education in the Nasa indigenous community of Norte del Cauca, Colombia, this project presents a practical real experience on how life itself, collective dynamics, community practices, feeling-thinking while acting, as well as resistance and the alternative of an organizational political process are all a territory of knowledge in a variety of ways, especially from the point of view of permanent communication-education itself. This territory is made up of relationships and appropriations, where education and the transformation of tools such as “school” and information/communication technologies (ICTs) have played an important role to debate, dialogue and strengthen the diverse words and actions that we seek to harmonize in order to continue being with our peoples and processes.


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Author Biography

Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás

Indigenous Nasa (Paéz) -misak (Guambiana), from the reservation of Jambaló Cauca, Colombia. With experience from the territory where she was collectively trained as a community communicator by vocation, and recently graduated as a social communicator and journalist


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How to Cite

Almendra Quiguanás, V. R. (2013). To learn while walking: We are with the others and we are being in relationships. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(62), 47–62. Retrieved from