Curricular approaches: orientations and perspectives in teacher training proposals


  • Elida Girado Gil University of Antioquia
  • Sarah Flo´rez University of Antioquia
  • Ana María Cadavid University of Antioquia


curriculum approaches, teacher education, curriculum perspectives, teacher education programs


This text presents the results of a study that emerged from the need to problematize curriculum research in teacher education. Viewing curriculum from a broad and comprehensive perspective as everything that happens in an educational context, the authors analyze the curriculum approaches of different teacher education programs offered by a school of education. This qualitative case study uses a situated knowledge framework, which allows the construction and deconstruction of practices and knowledges based on a particular context, on the specific experiences that take place in teacher education programs. Based on interviews, documents, diaries, and participant observations analysis, the authors develop three main themes that reflect teacher education programs curriculum approaches: referents (normative, non-normative), participation (faculty, students, alumni), and education. Among other implications, this study highlights the need to have clear referents for curriculum change processes, pedagogical and curricular common criteria, and to promote higher levels of student and alumni participation.

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Author Biographies

Elida Girado Gil, University of Antioquia

Sarah Flo´rez, University of Antioquia

Ana María Cadavid, University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Girado Gil, E., Flo´rez, S. ., & Cadavid, A. M. (2017). Curricular approaches: orientations and perspectives in teacher training proposals . Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(63-64), 74–90. Retrieved from


