Educational response to the diversity of the student body. Discourses and practices
Education in diversity, special educational needs, special education, integration pradicesAbstract
In this article we disdose a series of considerations related to the new discourses and pradices regarding the integration and inclusión of differences into education. We highlight the new parameters of this debate to move forward towards the educational challenges that answer to the diversities of the student body in teaching pradices. This means wondering about the effort made and the organization of the dasses, the curriculum, developmental pradices, strengthening of teaching institutions, through the formation of projeds, the responsibility of the schooi in determining the nature of the experiences that are offered to the student body and the political commitment of the educational administration.
How to reference this article:
GGRANATA, Luisa María, "La respuesta educativa a la diversidad del alumnado. Discursos y prácticas", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, Vol. XVII, N.° 41, (enero-abril), 2005, pp. 41-53.
Received: janury 2005
Accepted: april 2005
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