Methodical principles of pedagogical anthropology


  • Otto Friedrich Bollnow


Antropología pedagógica, antropología, antropología filosófica


Bollnow presents the idea of a pedagogical anthropology as a method for anthropological observation in pedagogy. According to Bollnow, that observation mode can be seen under four principles: the principle of anthropological reduction, the 'organon' principle, the principle of anthropological interpretation of particular phenomena, and the principle of open questions. These principles work together and show movement of anthropological interpretation as a process from the fraction to the whole, from the author to the culture, from the text to the play and vice versa, which, according to the fourth principle never reaches a vision or definite determinations regarding men, open question.

How to reference this article:

FRIEDRICH BOLLNOW, Otto, “Principios metódicos de la antropología pedagógica”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVII, núm. 42, (mayo-agosto), 2005, pp. 77-80.

Received: april 2005

Accepted: june 2005

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Author Biography

Otto Friedrich Bollnow

Este escrito, que data de 1965, aparece en WULF, Christoph y ZIRFAS, Jorge, eds.,Theorien und Konzepte der Pädagogische Anthrpologie, Donauwörth, Auer Verlag, 1994, pp. 171-175.Traducción del alemán: Andrés Klaus Runge P.



How to Cite

Bollnow, O. F. (2009). Methodical principles of pedagogical anthropology. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 17(42), 77–80. Retrieved from