Student ideas on strength and frictional strength
Teaching of physics, meaningful teaching, strength, frictional strengthAbstract
This article is based on a research project which main objective is to allow conceptualization processes within the meaningful learning frame of the concepts strength and frictional strength. The first results of an exploratory work carried out to learn about students´ previous understanding of the concepts: strength and frictional strength are presented, as well as the way in which those concepts are related with other concepts.
How to reference this article:
LÓPEZ RÍOS, Sonia y COVALEDA, Rodrigo, “Ideas de los estudiantes sobre los conceptos de fuerza y fuerza de fricción”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVII, núm. 43, (septiembre- diciembre), 2005, pp. 197-206.
Received: october 2005
Accepted: december 2005
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