Secularism: a requisite to pluralist education
Secularism, pluralist and intercultural education, laic state, teaching-learning of a religious cultureAbstract
The topic of this essay is secularism, taking as a starting point the French debate which has once again transcended European frontiers more specifically behind contradictions between the president of such republic and the minister of cults of that country, in regards to publicly administer religious diversity. That's the starting point to characterize what a secular state would be, to land on the importance of a pluralist and intercultural education which doesn't privilege any kind of confession but which gives room to all, from the point of view of teaching-learning of a religious culture able to foster ethical and critical values in favor of democracy and the well-being of all citizens.
How to reference this article:
SANABRIA-S., Fabián, “La laicidad: un requisito para la educación pluralista”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVIII, núm. 44, (enero-abril), 2006, pp. 51-60.
Received: october 2005
Accepted: january 2006
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