From quotidian to Scientific. The pedagogical ways of every day life in teaching of technology in architecture


  • Ader García Cardona
  • Jorge Hernán Salazar Trujillo


Teaching of technology in architecture, technology, every-day life, ergonomic


Traditionally, technological formation in undergraduate programs in architecture has described in detail the techniques and processes which make materialization of buildings possible. The costs involved in building are so high that they make possible the materialization of buildings. Also, the pedagogical dynamics for education in architecture are not authentically an architectural exercise, but a simulation of such. It is proposed a methodology which tries to complement this process, measured by the systems of representation of architecture, with an education beginning from the phenomenological and everyday experience.

How to reference this article:

García Cardona, Ader y Salazar Trujillo, Jorge Hernán, "De lo cotidiano a lo científico. Las maneras pedagógicas de la vida cotidiana en la enseñanza de la tecnología en arquitectura", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVIII, núm. 45, (mayo-agosto), 2006, pp. 85-92.

Received:  may 2006

Accepted:  may 2006

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Author Biographies

Ader García Cardona

Arquitecto. Profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín

Jorge Hernán Salazar Trujillo

Arquitecto. Profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.


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Mitcham, Carl, 1989, Tres formas de ser-con la tecnología, Barcelona, Antrhopos.


Aries, Philippe y Duby, Georges, Historia de la vida privada, vol. 5, Madrid, Taurus, 2001.

Jiménez, Burillo Florencio y Aragonés, Juan Ignacio, Introducción a la psicología ambiental, Madrid, Alianza, 1991.

Melich, Joan-Carles, Del extraño al cómplice, Barcelona, Anthropos, 1997.

Salazar, Jorge, Enseñanza de la técnica en arquitectura, Medellín, Jorge Salazar, 2004.



How to Cite

García Cardona, A., & Salazar Trujillo, J. H. (2009). From quotidian to Scientific. The pedagogical ways of every day life in teaching of technology in architecture. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 18(45), 85–92. Retrieved from