Classroom research: ways and actors


  • Bernardo Restrepo Gómez


Classroom research, researcher teacher, pedagogical action research, research about students, research with students


This article presents three kinds of classroom research: the first one deals with pedagogical action research, an activity that allows teachers to think about their own practice in order to examine and transform it, and therefore improve it. The second one has to do with the research that teachers make about students and abouttheir own practice, in order to design and utilize strategies aimed at improving their achievements. The third kind of classroom research is the one made by students with the guidance of teachers, it is, the so-called formative research, which purpose is to learn how to investigate by investigating.

How to reference this article:

Restrepo G., Bernardo, “Investigación de aula: formas y actores”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. 21, núm. 53, enero-abril, 2009, pp. 103-112.

Received: februaroy 2009

Accepted: march 2009

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Author Biography

Bernardo Restrepo Gómez

Integrante del grupo de investigación Calidad de la Educación y Proyecto Educativo Institucional de la Facultad
de Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en Sociología de la Educación de la Universidad de
Wisconsin y Ph. D. en Investigación en Educación y Sistemas Instruccionales de la Universidad Estatal de la
Florida. Profesor de la Maestría en Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia y asesor de varias instituciones de
educación superior.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Gómez, B. (2011). Classroom research: ways and actors. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 21(53), 103–112. Retrieved from