Race and Language as an Asset in School: A Sociological Approach to Reform in Language Teaching


  • Allan Luke
  • Claudia Díaz Mosquera


Language teaching, Pierre Bordieu, Sociology, Racism, language education policy


A sociological approach is put forward for the analysis of race and language in the development of Language Teaching programs. Such an approach uses Pierre Bordieu's concepts of habitus and social fields, within which race and language are framed as changing elements in the education and pedagogical shift, and are —at the same time— subject to teachers and students' agency. This approach suggests that language education policy needs to focus not only on the change and development of every individual, but also on a systematical change in the social fields of the curriculum.

How to reference this article:

Luke, Allan, “La raza y la lengua como capital en las escuelas: una propuesta sociológica para las reformas en educación lingüística”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XX, núm. 51, (mayo-agosto), 2008, pp. 25-49.

Received: march 2008

Accepted: may 2008

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Author Biographies

Allan Luke

Docente de educación para la literacidad, de sociología y de currículo en Queensland University of Technology.
Fue el Diputado del Director General de la Educación para Queensland y ha informado los gobiernos de Australia
del Sur, Ontario, Hong Kong, Singapur, Nueva Zelanda y Kiribati.

Claudia Díaz Mosquera

Magíster en TESOL, Fresno Pacific University; docente de la Escuela de Idiomas y miembro del Grupo de Investigación
Pedagogía y Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, de la Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Luke, A., & Díaz Mosquera, C. (2011). Race and Language as an Asset in School: A Sociological Approach to Reform in Language Teaching. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 20(51), 25–49. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistaeyp/article/view/9895