Multiple Exclusion of Women with Disabilities
Gender, woman, disability and exclusionAbstract
This article aims to present a review of the literature, which comes mainly from Spanish documents, but also includes other international agencies and some Mexicans. These sources are presented, since in the course of the investigation most of the studies identified were from the Iberian Peninsula and its proposals coincide widely with the agreements that have been generated internationally, primarily in the United Nations. The reference to Mexico comes from the author’s experience, which is a Mexican, and belongs to disability community. Nonetheless, it is known that the multiple exclusions of women with disabilities throughout Latin America has cultural roots that are difficult to change even with provision of State and the most advanced society. Both conditions gender and disability are negatively asymmetric in relation to cultural model whiteman or mestizo, middle class, healthy heterosexual that prevail in Western societies. This leads to systematic exclusion situations and a discrimination that hurt this group. Therefore, it requires researches to explore the phenomenon and to define strategies for dealing with their problems, demands and needs, and thus to promote a more dialogical and democratic relationship between economy, society, state and this population sector. Thehistoric goalforthis group,to whichwe would like tocontribute with thisdocument,is the creation ofa culture of inclusionof womenwith disabilities,throughfull respect for theirsocial, political, economic and cultural rights.
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