The spirals of violence against women: forms of resistance and women's strategies to escape from the situation of violence


  • Teresa Kleba Lisboa Federal University of Santa Catarina


circle of violence, spiral of violence, feminist strategies


This article will present and discuss the violence circle in which many women are currently closed, and suggests that the metaphor of circle is replaced by the violence spiral, considering that women are
subject (as the sense given to the philosopher Michel Foucault). In addition, this study has as objective,
the call to intellectual and academic people to reflect, through the exercise of critical and scientific
writing advice on the role they play and touch us, as external agents in the vast field couple violence.
This orientation will be held from feminist strategies that require a kind of look engaged, involved and
identified with the spirals found in our research subjects. As findings it suggests that women -victims
of violence- should leave the state of victims seeking strategies, and intellectual people should propose
public policies that come to find solutions for these women.
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Author Biography

Teresa Kleba Lisboa, Federal University of Santa Catarina

PhD in Sociology (UFRGS, Brazil) with Postdoctorate in Gender Studies (UNAM, Mexico). Coordinator of the Nucleus of Studies and Research in Social Service and Gender Relations of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. 


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How to Cite

Kleba Lisboa, T. (2015). The spirals of violence against women: forms of resistance and women’s strategies to escape from the situation of violence. Revista Trabajo Social, (11), 81–97. Retrieved from


