Construccionalist orientations for therapeutic practice with couples


  • Piedad Estrada Arango Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • María Eugenia Agudelo Bedoya Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


terapia de pareja, construccionismo social, terapia, terapia sistémica


This article starts by outlining a contrast between modern and postmodern conceptions of the couple and the couple therapy; next, some items that we consider essential in social constructionism are taken up again —such as: the ego, the language, the conversation, the narrative, the relationship and the culture— by describing how we show them to couples who begin a therapeutic process and how they resinify through it and by giving some examples, from our own practice to illustrate their applicability.
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Author Biographies

Piedad Estrada Arango, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Retired teacher of the Social Work Program, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Social worker, Family specialist and Master in Family Therapy.

María Eugenia Agudelo Bedoya, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Social worker, Family specialist and Master in Family Therapy.


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How to Cite

Estrada Arango, P., & Agudelo Bedoya, M. E. (2020). Construccionalist orientations for therapeutic practice with couples. Revista Trabajo Social, (28), 87–106. Retrieved from