Hegel: the evolution of philosophy as a whole and the point of view of reason


  • Andrés Felipe Hurtado Blandón Universidad de Antioquia


understanding, reason, speculative thinking, philosophy, absolute


 This text shows how philosophy, taken in Hegel's theory as expression and form of the absolute, comes about as a "whole". To that end, first of all, a necessary distinction is made between the point of view and procedure of the understanding (Verstand) and the point of view and procedure of reason (Vernunft). It will allow understanding that for Hegel is reason, and its speculative procedure, the appropriate point of view to get close to philosophy. In second place, an explanation is given about the concept of absolute as subject and of the relation of philosophy with it, which will allow answering the question whether from this point of view what has been produced in history are different philosophies or certain forms of philosophy. Lastly, it is introduced the concept of a "whole" as form or characteristic of the becoming of the absolute in order to show, then, how philosophy also becomes as a "whole".

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Author Biography

Andrés Felipe Hurtado Blandón, Universidad de Antioquia

Philosophy student. Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Hurtado Blandón, A. F. (2012). Hegel: the evolution of philosophy as a whole and the point of view of reason. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (1), 43–62. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/11036


