Gottlob Frege's semiotic proposal


  • Jorge Emiro Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia


logic, philosophy of language, internalism, externalism, coherentism, Gottlob Frege


philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and philosophy of logic have a focal point. Most of
the studies in these three branches of philosophical reflection had been developed separately. In this sense,
it is difficult to find a complete proposal that integrates the three areas in some of the authors that works on
these topics. The semiotical proposal of Gottlob Frege is, on the contrary, a theoretical frame that integrates
in a harmonic way its studies on logic, language and psychology. The present text is articulated in three
stages. The first one is the historical platform from which should be assimilated the emergence and development of this semiotical proposal. The second part is of fundamental importance since there it is enunciated and it is discussed the logical and semantics proposal of the author. In third part it is developed a critical analysis starting from the previous theoretical suppositions and it discusses a series of conclusions that emerges out of the German's proposal. The spin that guide and structure the whole presentation, argument and discussion of the text is, basically, the hypothesis about the existence of an internalism in the semiotical proposal of Frege.
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Alchourron, Carlos E. (Ed), Lógica, Trotta, España, 1995.Beuchot, Mauricio, Elementos de semiótica, UNAM, México, 1979.

____________, La filosofía del lenguaje en la Edad Media, UNAM, México, 1981.

____________, El problema de los universales, UNAM, México, 1981.Bretton. P, Mark, Sendas del significado: introducción a una filosofía del lenguaje, UNAM,México, 1992.

Dummett, M, Frege.Philosophy of Mathematics. Duckworth, London. 1991.

____________, La verdad y otros enigmas, F.C.E., México. 1990.



How to Cite

Restrepo, J. E. (2013). Gottlob Frege’s semiotic proposal. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (4), 57–83. Retrieved from


