The influence of Gestalt medicine and psychology on the epistemological thought of L. Fleck


  • Alejandro Uribe Zapata Universidad de Antioquia


Fleck, medicine, Gestalt physicology, knowledge


among different branches of knowledge, the influence of medicine and Gestalt psychology on
Fleck’s epistemological works is undeniable. Therefore, the paper pretends to show, from a panoramic
approach, the way how these two disciplines shape, to a large or lesser extent, the subsequent Fleck’s
epistemological standpoint.
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Author Biography

Alejandro Uribe Zapata, Universidad de Antioquia

Philosophy · Institute of Philosophy · University of Antioquia


Laín Entralgo, Pedro, (1986), Historia de la medicina. Barcelona, Salvat.

Löwy, Ilana, (1986), “The epistemology of the science of an epistemologist of the sciences: Ludwik Fleck’s professional outlook and its relationship to his philosophical works”, en: Cohen, R. & Schnelle, T., (ed.), Cognition and fact.

Materials on Ludwik Fleck, Dordretch, Reidel.

King, D. Bret; et al., (1994), “The legacy of Max Wertheimer and gestalt psychology”, en:Social Research.Koffka, Kurt, (1973), Principios de psicología de la forma. Buenos Aires, Paidós.

Schnelle, Thomas, (1986a), “Microbiology and philosophy of science, Lwów and the German Holocaust: stations of a life —Ludwik Fleck 1896–1961”, en: Cohen, R. & Schnelle, T., (ed.), Cognition and fact.

Materials on Ludwik Fleck, Dordretch, Reidel.

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Materials on Ludwik Fleck, Dordretch Reidel.



How to Cite

Uribe Zapata, A. (2014). The influence of Gestalt medicine and psychology on the epistemological thought of L. Fleck. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (5), 71–81. Retrieved from


