The role of visual representations and the concept of observation in astronomy


  • Maximiliano Bozzoli Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


ontology, observation, Dudley Shapere, observational astronomy, observational horizon


on the basis of the interplay between visual representations and theoretical models in observational
astronomy we will try to show in this paper a deeper interrelationship between those representations and models plus instruments and ontology. Through visual representations such interrelation defines a structure which will be called an observational horizon (OH). An OH reflects our present state of observational knoledge in specific lines of investigation within this branch of astronomy. Visual representations play a key role in showing a confluence of limits imposed by theories, instruments and observational and theoretical entities. One of the most important objectives of this article is to make clear the strong link between visual representations and what an astronomical observation is considered to be nowadays.

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Author Biography

Maximiliano Bozzoli, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Philosophy · Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities


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How to Cite

Bozzoli, M. (2014). The role of visual representations and the concept of observation in astronomy. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (6), 35–46. Retrieved from


