From bacteria to Shakespeare, on the problem of biological progress


  • David Fajardo Chica Universidad del Valle


Evolution, Biological progress, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Old biological progress, Local biological progress


this paper presents the debate around the question: is the biological evolution a progressive
process? First I’ll show the difference between biological progress and others types of progress like social
progress and scientific progress. Secondly I’ll show the difference between two main positions in the
debate, that I call the old biological progress and the local biological progress. Thirdly, I’ll defend the
second position to the Stephen Jay Gould’s replies showing how this position is immune to them. I’ll
finalize with some conclusions about the debate

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Author Biography

David Fajardo Chica, Universidad del Valle

Member of the Mentis Group, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciences


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How to Cite

Fajardo Chica, D. (2014). From bacteria to Shakespeare, on the problem of biological progress. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (6), 47–57. Retrieved from


