The role of pleasure in Foucault


  • María Luciana Cadahia Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


ethic, pleasure, desire, subjectivity, freedom


in this article, I analyze some of the pleasures that play an important role in Foucault’s ethic
conception. First, I examine the most important argument about the idea of ethics as an æsthetic of
existence. Then, I intend to characterize the importance that the pleasures play in the present theory. For
this purpose, I consider in the article “Desire and pleasure” the disagreement between Foucault and
Deleuze, showing why Deleuze refuses the role of pleasure on construction of subjectivity. Finally, I will
show the significance and limitations of pleasures in Foucault’s present ethics

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Author Biography

María Luciana Cadahia, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Bachelor of Philosophy · Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities


Deleuze, Gilles, (1987), Foucault, Barcelona, Paidós.

____________, (1995), “Deseo y Placer”, en: Archipiélago, 23.

Foucault, Michel, (1988), Historia de la sexualidad, Tomo II, México, Siglo XXI.

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Gabilondo, Ángel, (1999), “La creación de modos de vida”, en: Foucault, Michel, estética, ética y hermenéutica, Buenos Aires, Paidós.

Pardo, Luis, (1990), Deleuze: violentar el pensamiento, Madrid, Cincel.



How to Cite

Cadahia, M. L. (2014). The role of pleasure in Foucault. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (6), 59–73. Retrieved from


