Towards a global constitutionalism?


  • Alejandro Cortés Arbeláez Universidad EAFIT


Global constitutionalism, fundamental rights, cosmopolitism, sovereignty, justice, institutions


Luigi Ferrajoli argues in defense of a global constitutionalism that permits the guarantee of world peace and the universal protection of fundamental rights. Ferrajoli is aware that a legal order requires effective institutional mechanisms that allow the fulfillment of the normative dispositions formally established by that order. In order to achieve this, the author upholds the necessity to establish guarantee institutions that enable the safeguarding of peace and of fundamental rights and that have as a consequence, in regard to the state, the denial of its absolute external sovereignty. Thomas Nagel opposes the cosmopolitan idea to search for the mechanisms that enable the accomplishment of global justice, given that he considers that the fulfillment of the ideal of justice can only be assured through state sovereignty. The aim of this essay is to give account of the way in which the possibility to establish a global constitutionalism that permits to alleviate the problems of contemporary global order is defended. Subsequently a powerful critique
against cosmopolitism is reconstructed in order to partially illuminate the view regarding the possibilities and limits of a global constitutionalism.

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Author Biography

Alejandro Cortés Arbeláez, Universidad EAFIT

School of Law and School of Sciences and Humanities


Cortés, F. (2012). “Cosmopolitismo y Realismo. Kant, Rawls y Nagel”, manuscrito, presentado en el I Congreso de filosofía kantiana, SEKLE, Bogotá, noviembre.

Ferrajoli, L. (2002).Derechos y garantías. La ley del más débil. Madrid: Trotta.

Ferrajoli, L. (2004).Razones jurídicas del pacifismo. Madrid: Trotta.

Ferrajoli, L. (2005). La crisis de la democracia en la era de la globalización. Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 39, pp. 37-51.

Ferrajoli, L. (2008). Democracia y garantismo. Madrid: Trotta.

Nagel, T. (2005).The Problem of Global Justice. Philosophy and & Public Affairs33, 2, pp. 113-147.

Nagel, T. (2008). El problema de la justicia global. Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de Palermo, Año 9, 1, pp. 169-196.



How to Cite

Cortés Arbeláez, A. . (2014). Towards a global constitutionalism?. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (3), 65–84. Retrieved from


