The “ethical conscience“ as fundament of Ethics of Liberation. With Regard on Enrique Dussel and his discussions with Karl-Otto Apel


  • Carlos A. Moreno Universidad del Valle


Ethic of Liberation, Ethic of discourse, ethical conscience, exclusion, foundation


The Ethic of Liberation deals with most of our social and political beliefs, by postulating principles that go against different forms of founding ethics. It is here where its equality establishes others normative ethics, therefore it intends to answer the following question: How should we live? In this discussion on argumentative communication ethics, Dussel points out important differences: the start point of Ethic of Liberation will not be “ideal communication community” by K. O. Apel, among others; on the contrary, it will
based on exclusion, that is say that a large percentage of the population is subjected to [the exteriority of world as life experience]. Through the concept of “ethical conscience” I intend to show my general understanding of some principles postulated by Enrique Dussel "Ethic of Liberation" which he uses to develop his theorical model on the foundation of ethic.

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Dussel, E. (1996). Filosofía de la liberación. Colombia: Editorial Nueva América.

_______. (2000). Ética de la liberación en la Edad de la Globalización y de la Exclusión. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.

Dussel, E. & Apel, K. (2004). Ética del discurso y ética de la liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.

Hume, D. (2008). Tratado sobre la naturaleza humana. Madrid: Tecnos.

Moore, G. E. (1922). Principia Ethica. London: Cambridge University Press.



How to Cite

Moreno, C. A. (2014). The “ethical conscience“ as fundament of Ethics of Liberation. With Regard on Enrique Dussel and his discussions with Karl-Otto Apel. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (2), 22–36. Retrieved from


