Marxism as Philosophy of History: A Critical Approach from Raymond Aron


  • Alexander Tapias Universidad del Valle


Marxism, theory, perspective, passiveness, violence, ideology, historical freedom, individuality


The French thinker Raymond Aron is constituted in one of the most consistent critics of that philosophy of the history redressed in universal value: the Marxism. The inconsistencies of Marx's doctrine cross different dimensions. In his theory and in his perspective, he arbitrarily imposes a first cause and a last sense to the complex course of to develop. As scientific knowledge and as total vision, it wrongly exceeds the limits of experience as it makes hurried observations on the irrevocable foresight of the human destiny. On the political plane, in view of his suggestive prophetic content, catastrophically it produces in the individuals ambivalent attitudes of passiveness and violence. Before these sharp blunders, we will demonstrate how the Marxist system behaves simply as an existential feeling, as a trend of mystical inclination and as a conviction of ideological value. Finally, in vertical confrontation to this doctrine, we will demonstrate that history
does not follow a uniform line, but it is intricately moved by fortuitous, partial and imperfect dynamics

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How to Cite

Tapias, A. . (2013). Marxism as Philosophy of History: A Critical Approach from Raymond Aron. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (4), 6–29. Retrieved from


