The Rousseau’s Political Philosophy: between Populist and Democratic Constitutionalism


  • Roger Zapata Ciro Universidad de Antioquia


Democracy, populism, fundamental rights, constitutionalism, General Will


This text aims to show how Rousseau's Political Philosophy, in both expression and form of the general will, cannot be conceived as a philosophy that creates the risk of infringing the fundamental rights of every member of society, because this regulative idea of the general will is precisely manifested in fundamental political laws, which establish aspects of basic justice to prevent abuse of the majority or of the current Government. This
will allow to understand that this philosophy is a commitment to democratic constitutionalism and not, as has it been thought, to populist constitutionalism.

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Author Biography

Roger Zapata Ciro, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy


Rawls, J. (2009). Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía política. (S. Freeman, Ed., & A. Santos Mosquera, Trad.). Madrid: Paidos.

Rousseau, J. J. (1998). Del Contrato social. Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes.

Discurso sobre el origen y los fundamentos de la desigualdad entre los hombres (Primera ed.). (M. Armiño , Trad.). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

________.(2008). Cartas escritas desde la montaña (Primera ed.). (A. Hermosa Andújar, Trad.). Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros.

Rubio Carracedo, J. (1990). El legado democrático de Rousseau en la crisis actual. Anuario de filosofía del derecho(7), pp. 59-84.



How to Cite

Zapata Ciro, R. . (2015). The Rousseau’s Political Philosophy: between Populist and Democratic Constitutionalism. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (4), 41–51. Retrieved from


