Some Problems in the Evolutionary Reconstructions: the Case of Empathy


  • Ariel Giompliakis Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Empathy, evolution, emotional contagion, perspective taking, empirical evidence


Since the second half of the twentieth century –after the "cognitive revolution"– there has been agrowing interest in understanding human features according to the Darwinian principle that many of them rely heavily on hereditary characteristics. Advances in comparative ethology, neuroanatomy, cognitive psychology, biological anthropology cognitive sciences in general, has increased the interest in Darwin's theory, to the point that today we think it is obvious that features are product of evolution by natural selection. Taking for granted the validity of these studies and sharing the effort to understand this capability from a naturalized view, this paper aims to highlight just some difficulties that may be encountered when the classic evolutionary model is extrapolated to the field of cognition. In this case, I will specifically address the issues underlying evolutionary reconstructions of empathy.

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How to Cite

Giompliakis, A. . (2015). Some Problems in the Evolutionary Reconstructions: the Case of Empathy. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (4), 62–73. Retrieved from


